Genealogy Jeopardy is patterned after the syndicated television game show Jeopardy in which individual contestants competed for money by answering trivia questions from six categories such as geography, history, science, math and language. Contestants are given general knowledge clues in the form of answers, and they must identify the person, place, thing, or idea that the clue describes, phrasing each response in the form of a question.
This fast paced and fun version will test our contestants' knowledge of genealogy by providing categories important to the discipline via categories and the clues provided within. No money will change hands, but the same values as the syndicated show will be included on the board in the form of points. Test your knowledge and be ready for lots of fun as our presenters dazzle us with trivia accompanying each answer.
Teams of up to three will be used rather than individual contestants, so form your teams now! Even provide a name for your team. Teams will be allowed to confer quietly amongst themselves, but only one team member may answer. The team hitting the buzzer first will be allowed to answer. If the answer is correct, they get the points. If their answer is incorrect, they lose that amount of points.
Join us, In Person Only, for a fun way to understand the language of genealogy.